
Cache data migration refers to moving data from one cache service (instance) to another. The source and target may span different platforms, regions, or even public networks.

Migration Types

  • Offline Migration

Involves importing files. This method does not include incremental data from online operations. File types mainly include RDB, AOF, CSV, TSV, PSV.

  • Online Full Migration

Involves performing dump and restore operations on the cache. This method does not include incremental data from online operations.

  • Online Full + Incremental Migration

Involves performing dump and restore or scan operations on the cache, and monitoring incremental data from online operations for real-time synchronization.

Migration Scenarios

Data that can be migrated to Montplex Cache service includes:

  • Your self-hosted physical instances
  • Cloud Database Redis Edition (Alibaba Cloud)
  • AWS ElastiCache (AWS)
  • Montplex Cache

Of course, data in Montplex Cache can also be migrated to other types of cache services.